Rapids City Banner photo

Village Information


Rapids City has three parks, a public boat ramp, a community center, and maintains its portion of the River Way trail.

Photo of fishermen under a bridge

River Bend Park is located on top of 17th Street Hill. Picnic tables, outdoor grills, playground equipment, a basketball court, a softball diamond and restroom facilities are included at this park.

Shadow Hill Park is located on top of 12th Street Hill. Here you will find a softball diamond used by the youth of Rapids City and other surrounding small towns for Co-ed Softball sponsored through the Hampton Township Youth Commission. Sign up is in early Spring of each year. Watch for posted announcements.

Shuler's Shady Grove Park is located at 1st Avenue and 11th Street and includes a boat ramp with parking lot, park, scenic overlook at our gazebo, and a portion of the Great River Trail Bike Path.

Sulpher Creek Park is located on the corner of 14th Street and 4th Avenue. Amenities at the park include Picnic tables, outdoor grill, playground equipment, a basketball court.


Community Center

The Rapids City Community Center is available for rent for your special events. The Community Center is conveniently located 1204 4th Avenue, Rapids City. Our Community Center is a great place to host your birthdays, showers, weddings, and anniversary parties. For information concerning dates, pricing and policies for our facility please click the links below. You may call the Village Office if you have additional questions after reviewing the below information by dialing 309-496-2321. If you have confirmed the date you would like to book the Community Center is available you may complete the linked Community Center Agreement below, bring or mailing with a damage/security deposit check to the Village Office to secure your event.

2023 Community Center Rates – Policies

2024 Community Center Rental Agreement


Riverdale District School

Building Permits

Fee Schedule

All construction or alterations of any building or structure in the Village of Rapids City must follow all Village Ordinances, the current edition of the "International Building Code" guidelines, and or Rock Island County Building Codes. All construction or alterations to any existing structure in the Village where the costs exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) require securing a building permit. Minor maintenance repairs to an existing structure where the costs are under Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) including labor and materials are not required to secure a building permit.

A permit will need to be purchased in person at the Village of Rapids City Office located at 1204 - 4th Avenue Rapids City, IL 61278. No permits or payments for permits will be accepted via email, fax, or mail! Linked below is the fee schedule for building and electrical permits, we use the same rates as Rock Island County. Please call for plumbing permit pricing. If a permit is not obtained prior to construction the permit cost will double in price. Cash and check are accepted for payment for all permits.

When coming to purchase your permit a copy of blue prints, diagram of building on the lot showing pins and distances, contractor names, license numbers (plumbers and roofers), and certificate of liability will be required. If you are a contractor please complete the Contractor Registration Form linked below.

Contractor Registration Form

Sign Up Now to receive Emergency Notifications!

Sign Up Today!
Make sure you stay safe and informed by receiving notifications & alerts from the Village! To join us on CivicReady click on the picture below to set up your personal account settings via the web.

Icon of a bell

Download the Alert Me app in the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

Storm Siren

Rapids City has a storm siren located on 17th Street near the Public Works Maintenance Building.  On the first Tuesday of each month the storm siren is tested at 10am.  This test and all siren activations are conducted by QComm911 located in Milan, IL.  The siren’s automatic activation follows the current guidelines set forth in the attached document along with the National Weather Service’s preset polygons. Storm Guidelines.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following is a set of the most commonly asked questions and the most specific answers we can provide to those questions.

Q. When should I put my garbage out?

Q. What does it mean when they say "properly packaged refuse"?

Q. Why do sanitation crews leave certain things at the curb?

Q. What is bulky waste?

Q. What should I do with my bulky waste items?

Q. What does it mean when they say "properly packaged refuse"?

Q. What items CANNOT be picked up?

Q. How do I get rid of old appliances and tires?

Q. What about yard waste?

Q. If I see someone dumping illegally, where do I report it?

Q. How can I track Mississippi River water levels in our area?

News and Events

Spring Newsletter

March 11, 2025 Board meeting Agenda

March 13, 2025 COW Notice

March 31, 2025 COW Notice / Town Hall Meeting

2025 2026 Budget Meeting Notices

Village Board Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. Meetings may be attended virtually via Zoom; please see agenda for a link.

President Harold Mire Jr. is declaring a snow emergency effective 7am on February 12th, 2025 to 12pm February 13th, 2025. During the declaration of a snow emergency no street parking is permitted. If a vehicle is parked on the street a ticket during a snow emergency may be issued.

Additionally, Village Hall will be closed today as well due to our expected weather. Normal business hours will resume on February 13th, 2025. Please feel free to leave a phone message or email our office and one of our staff member will get back with you.

Stay safe and thank you.

View/Pay eBills

Your Annual Water Quality Report is now available at www.ilrwa.org/CCR/RapCity.pdf.

Newsletter Link